26.09.2023 Tech Days at PFAFF

For almost six decades, Pfaff has remained focused on two things – building meaningful relationships with our customers and developing innovative manufacturing solutions for the automotive sealing industry.

We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive event, where we will celebrate both! On October 18th (Röthenbach) and 19th (Dornbirn), we will be hosting Tech Days presented by Pfaff Innovation global. This invitation-only event is designed for our most valuable global partners to experience our advancements in molds, notching, and automation first-hand.

You’ll have the opportunity to hear from our senior executives and the Pfaff Innovation team and interact with them as well.

As you may know, we have been busy this previous year researching the latest solutions and adding to our manufacturing and automation capabilities. Regardless of the changes we have made and the changes to come, we remain committed to the level of excellence and quality you have been accustomed to throughout the years. In fact, our goal is to not only meet your expectations, but to exceed them.

Come join us as we share exciting updates and cast a vision for our industry.

Additionally, we will be joined by an OEM guest speaker to help bring their perspective about our industry to the Tech Days.

Please RSVP by emailing techdays@pfaff-mold.de till the End of September 22nd. We would be honored by your attendance.

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